17 Dec Fall 2018 Pitch Event
SPARKFund winner’s have been announced! Congratulations to YCEO alumni Stephanie of Jonah Entertainment, Katt of Two-Set Wellness, and Tiera of RoyalT Lashes on being awarded $500 each towards validating their business ideas. Woot woot!
On December 15 BITS took over Shopify’s Toronto office for our Fall 2018 Pitch Event. We had over 50 people in attendance, including 23 pitchers, 10 mentors and 9 panelists.
As always, our pitches featured a wide variety of businesses. Skin care products, scented candles, clothing lines and video production companies, among others, stole the show.
After each participant pitched their business, their peer mentor gave words of encouragement and reflected upon their growth over the past 9 weeks. We’re incredibly proud of everything our graduates have achieved in the past 9 weeks.
To spice things up this year, we asked our panelists to award one individual from YCEO and one from Boot Camp an award for the “Most Wow-ing Pitch”. YCEO’s Leo Tolsitkov of Ace of Magic and Boot Camp’s Melissa Falconer won in their respective categories.
Going forward, Boot Camp graduates have the opportunity to apply for up to $5,000 in funding through BITS Bucks. Applications are due within one year of the pitch, but are welcome at any time.