
Supporting Canada’s
next generation of entrepreneurs.


We believe entrepreneurship can be a tool for everyone to develop oneself and invest in one’s economic potential.


Business in the Streets (BITS) 

is a Canadian registered charity providing youth with access to top-tier business training, peer mentorship, micro-financing, and ongoing business support. BITS was created to help young people from disadvantaged, marginalized and underserved communities access quality entrepreneurial programs.

The Why: 

We believe entrepreneurship is a catalyst for transformation by supporting young people to create their own economic opportunities.


The What: 

We support young people to learn new skills, make connections and build the confidence to help pursue their idea.

The How: 

We offer action first programs through mentorship and access to seasoned entrepreneurs that support our participant’s journey.


Our Programs

We offer two different types of programming that run for 8 weeks—both with an interactive curriculum that can be directly applied to each participant’s idea or business. 


  • Mentorship
  • Panel and Networking Events
  • Seasoned Entrepreneurs


Supports early stage entrepreneurs in their ideation and business validation.



Supports founders 1-3 years into their journey to achieve operational stability.



Conferences, workshops and pitch competitions providing networking opportunities, skills building and access to funding.

Our impact

Community Impact

Over the years we have yielded significant impact within the community…


1,200 individuals reached

655 participants have graduated

$255,000 in grants, scholarships, and microloans have been awarded to support both business and professional growthpast participants

200+ Mentors have participated to date

400+ Guest Speakers and Judgers have participated to date

Romina Gets Branded

“The BITS YCEO program offered me the opportunity to not only learn the fundamentals of starting a business and creating a minimal viable product/service but also meet like-minded individuals and gain a wonderful and supportive mentor along the way.”


Romina Kwong (BITS Alumni)

Founder of Eco-Friendly Events 
ways to get involved

Current Opportunities

In addition to our two programs we also host fun and engaging events and opportunities for the BITS community. See below for what we have in the works and how you can get involved.

BITS 10 Year Birthday Bash

BITS will be celebrating its 10th year alongside BITS alumni, teachers and mentors.

Put you and your brand in front of a diverse group of community members

Workshop Series

A development investment into additional education and workshops outside of our two programs—sponsored workshops about specific skill sets.

Sponsor an entire workshop that focuses its subject matter specifically on your speciality. Integrate your staff into the delivery of these workshops.

Ask an Entrepreneur Event

Within each cohort we invite early-mid-stage entrepreneurs to a candid discussion with our participants to discuss their entrepreneurial journey.

Bring in members of your staff to volunteer their time to this event. This event gets your name out to a new audience and builds relatability with the participants.

Workshop Series

The development and curation of content that reflects on past and current community members in line without 10th birthday. An opportunity to showcase our participant stories and our impact through social channels.

Exposure of a new audience through our social channels with the mention and display of your business name


Why Partner With Us?

Social Impact


Team Culture 

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Lead Generation

Brand Advocacy

Thought Leadership

Get in touch

Let’s work together

Fill out the form to get in touch with the BITS team!

Frequently Asked Questions

Business in the Streets (BITS) is a Canadian registered charity providing youth facing barriers with access to top-tier business training, peer mentorship, micro-financing, and ongoing business support prioritizing young people from disadvantaged, marginalized and underserved communities.

We support young people to learn new skills, make connections and build the confidence to help pursue their idea by providing action first programs with mentorship and access to seasoned entrepreneurs to support their journey.

There are many different ways you can get involved with BITS! You can get involved by participating in our special events, becoming a mentor or becoming one of our core sponsors! To learn more fill out the form beside this FAQ!

    BITS acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We acknowledge that this land is is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Williams Treaties signed with multiple Mississaugas and Chippewa bands.