

  • Alterna Savings
  • APEX Public Relations
  • Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
  • Future Balance
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Royal Bank
  • Robert Kerr Foundation
  • TD Bank Group
  • The Chawkers Foundation
  • The George Lunan Foundation
  • The Peter Gilgan Foundation
  • The Mariano Elia Foundation
  • Toronto Foundation
  • XYZ Storage

Individual Donors

  • John Donald
  • Pat McNamara

Community Partners

  • Access Alliance
  • Alterna Savings
  • City of Toronto
  • Centre for Social Innovation
  • George Brown College
  • Ignite Capital
  • Native Child and Family Services
  • Newcomer Centre of Peel
  • Skills for Change
  • Toronto Community Housing
  • Tropicana Community Services
  • Futurpreneur